
Golang/Gin: router group

Hi all, for this article, I will keep note of how to use router group in Gin.

What is Router Group

Router Group is a function to extract routers for each group.
For example, if there are 2 features of the API, we can use Router Group to separate routers to another file and split the routers by features.



package main

import (

func main() {

router := gin.Default()

routerGroup := router.Group("/v1")



package routers

import (

func AddRouters(r *gin.RouterGroup) {

user := r.Group("/users")

user.GET("", service.FetchAll)
user.POST("", service.Insert)
user.DELETE("/:id", service.Delete)


  1. We delete routing we’d added before and create a variable for the router group called routerGroup.
  2. We call the AddRouters function from the routers package and pass the routerGroup as a parameter.
  3. We add a new file called UserRouters.go in the routers package and add some routing config in the function AddRouters.